Reference provider in the asset management industry
For 20 years, professionals and institutions in the asset management industry have trusted VDOS to obtain reliable information on investment products, improve marketing efficiency and customer advice, acquire an in-depth knowledge of sector dynamics and measure asset management quality against competition.
Experience and professionalism
VDOS is a company focused on collecting and distributing information on investment funds, sicavs, foreign collective investment institutions and pension funds. As a primary source, we obtain the data directly from asset management companies, to guarantee reliability and independence of information.
Based on technology and continuous innovation, VDOS offers solutions focused on solving your business needs, as well as any new requirements arisen in the asset management industry.
Our company
Global offer of solutions
VDOS has a customized solution for your business.
Whether you are distributing and advising on investment funds, whether you are on the side of investment management or the depositary of collective investment institutions, VDOS offers digital solutions for the whole value chain in saving and investment sector.
Subscribe to our reports
If you wish to have at your fingertips all the information on the sector evolution, register in our reports.
It will allow you to receive periodic reports on investment funds, sicavs and pension plans generated by VDOS.