Cookies policy

Like most websites, uses cookies aiming to improve and optimize the user browsing experience. By using the website, you are accepting the cookies policy.

What are cookies?

Cookies are files downloaded to the user's device when accessing certain web pages that provide information about browsing.

This information allows to know navigation habits, which pages are visited and how often, as well as if there are any technica lissues.

Thanks to this information, may continue to improve its service to users and their browsing experience.

Typology, purpose and functioning of cookies

There are several types of cookies depending on different criteria:

Depending on their ownership:

  • Own cookies: those belonging to
  • Third Party cookies: those owned by a third party other than

Depending on their purpose:

  • Technical cookies: Those that serve to improve the service, identify occurrences, etc.
  • Analytic or advertising cookies. This type of cookies are used to analyze information about navigation and to offer advertising, either generic or personalized.

How to Disable cookies in most commonly used Browsers

Usually it is possible to stop accepting cookies from the navigator, or to stop accepting the cookies of a particular Service. In this case, you may not be able to access any of the services and the browsing experience may be less satisfactory.

In most commonly used browsers, you may disable the use of cookies from the "options" or "preferences" menu options of your browser.

The following links provide a more detailed description on how to block or allow cookies in most commonly used browsers.